Xavier Pennec at LJAD

Xavier Pennec gave a seminar on geometric statistics to the Probability and Statistics team of the Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné, Nice.
Xavier Pennec gave a seminar on geometric statistics to the Probability and Statistics team of the Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné, Nice.
Luís presented Geomstats at SIAM CSE 23, in a minisymposium titled “Geometry and Shape Analysis for Neuroscience.”
Yann Thanwerdas’ PhD defense took place on Tuesday, 24th of May, 2022 at 13:00, in the Morgenstern amphitheatre (Kahn building) at Inria Université Côte d’Azur and streamed live on Youtube.
Geomstats is an open-source Python package for Riemannian geometry in Machine Learning developed by an international team of researchers in which our team is strongly involved. We are happy to have organized our second coding sprint of the year at the Villa Clythia, in Frejus between April 4th – 8th….
Geomstats is an open-source Python package for Riemannian geometry in Machine Learning developed by an international team of researchers in which our team is strongly involved. We are happy to have organized our first coding sprint of the year at the Inria Sophia Antipolis, between February 21- 25th. During this…
Nicolas Guigui and Thomas Gerald presented geomstats at the 3rd Inria DevTalk on December 1st at the Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI), more info on the event page.
Nicolas Guigui was invited to present his work at the seminar of the SAMM lab (Statistics, Analysis, Multi-disciplinary Modeling) of University Paris 1, on October 1st. More info on the organizers’ web page.
X. Pennec was invited to give a talk entitled “Curvature effects in Geometric statistics : empirical Frechet mean and parallel transport accuracy” at the BIRS / Casa Matemática Oaxaca workshop on Geometry & learning from data on October 27 2021. The video is available here.
Geomstats is an open-source Python package for Riemannian geometry in Machine Learning developed by an international team of researchers in which our team is strongly involved. We are happy to organize our last coding sprint of the year at the SCAI in Paris, between December 13-17th. During this sprint, we…